Autumn Film School, International Colloquium of Film Theory



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Jesenska filmska šola, Mednarodni kolokvij filmske teorije
Ekran, Metelkova 2a, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 438 3830

The Autumn Film School was launched in 1985 by Silvan Furlan, who at the time edited Ekran, magazine for film and television.

It is currently organised by the Slovenian Cinematheque, though still co-produced by Ekran.


With the participation of foreign and domestic experts, from 1985 to 2002 the Autumn Film School covered the following cinematic subjects: Author-Genre-Spectator, Editing, Films of the Eighties, Cinema and Literature, Film Comedy, Film Figures, Media and Identities, European National Cinematographies, Documentaries, How to Write a History of Cinema and Arts, Architecture and Film, Current Problems of 'Third World Cinema', Philosophy and Film, and Digital Film.

In 2003 the Autumn Film School dealt with the subject of contemporary documentary film in the territories of the former Yugoslavia. A Croatian documentary film was accompanied by a lecture by producer Nenad Puhovski and film theoretician Hrvoje Turković. Documentaries from Serbia and Montenegro were presented by Saša Radojevic and film makers Momir Matović and Želimir Žilnik. Productions from Bosnia and Herzegovina were presented by Amra Bakšić, a young producer and one of selectors of the Sarajevo Film Festival. Macedonian film was presented by publicist Peter Volnarovski. Dina Iordanova from Great Britain lectured on Cinema of Flames: Balkan Film, Culture and the Media.

The so-called Ljubljana Film School, involving theoreticians Slavoj Žižek, Zdenko Vrdlovec and Stojan Pelko, had been inspired by French film theory (Comolli, Bonitzer, Chion, Deleuze) and Lacanian concepts and regular annual meetings of this group at the Autumn Film School have since contributed to the development of critical and theoretical writing on film.


After a pause the Autumn Film School was revived in 2006 by Ekran and the Slovenian Cinematheque with a programme of lectures by Nil Baskar, Zdenko Vrdlovec, Jurij Meden, Dušan Rutar, Mitja Reichenberg, Melita Zajc and Simon Popek, on the subjects of Writing on Film, State of Contemporary Film Criticism, and Independent Film.

In January 2012 a symposium Towards the End: On Contemporary TV Series and the Seriality was held at the Slovenian Cinematheque, with host lecturers Slavoj Žižek and Robert Pfaller.

Ekran's Preschool of the Gaze

Together with the revival of Autumn Film School its younger sister of film education was founded in 2007. In a more sporadic way the school has already become a traditional form of film education for young and future film critics. The Ekranova mala šola pogleda ("Ekran's Preschool of the Gaze") consists of lectures on film theory, film journalism and workshops on writing film critics. The latest edition was devoted to the following subjects: Film Art and Music Videos (by Matic Majcen), From Literature to Film Blockbuster (by Goran Vojnović), and Contemporary Film Education (by Miran Zupanič).

See also

External links

Jesenska filmska šola, Mednarodni kolokvij filmske teorije +
Jesenska filmska šola, Mednarodni kolokvij filmske teorije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Ekran, Metelkova 2a +
The Autumn Film School was launched in 1985 by Silvan Furlan, who at the time edited Ekran, magazine for film and television. +
The Autumn Film School was launched in 1985 by Silvan Furlan, who at the time edited Ekran, magazine for film and television. +
+386 / 1 438 3830 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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